book cover

by Karen Johnsen

Published by Parenting Press

Secrets can be confusing for children. Some are good and fun. Some create conflict and hurt. This book is intended to help children discern between the two; how to enjoy the good ones and and what to do about the troublesome ones.

hide key "What inspired me to write the book was a parent who had a child who often cried and said he couldn't tell his father why because he was told he had to keep it a secret. The book was written to help this friend relate to his child and let him know that it was ok to tell the secret that was troubling him."

- Karen Johnsen

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About the author:
Karen Johnsen has earned a Masters' degree in Education in addition to bachelors' degrees in music and in psychology. She has taught preschool and primary students in public schools for 30 years. She presently teaches music in the primary grades in Palo Alto, California.

Illustrated by

Linda Johnson Forsell

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A Spanish language version is also available

Illustrations copyright Parenting Press, used by permission